A lot of my clients ask what- of aaaalll the gorgeous products I offer- is my favorite...
Honestly, it's super hard to pick. They all have so many amazing qualities about them, and serve different purposes.
The heritage wood circles...ugh...I just love them. I have pictures on every single wall in my house. My husband actually jokes (there is definitely truth in it) that when we moved, the walls are decorated before the furniture is in place.
I may put a little bit of focus on pictures. Go figure.
But for pictures of my family, I just can't get over seeing images of my girls on these heritage wood circles. It is canvas mounted on wood that is sanded and soft and just flat out gorgeous.
They come in multiple sizes and shapes (circles, rectangles, squares) and it just makes it so easy to design with. It's like- BOOM. Farmhouse decor. Established.
Take a look for yourself!

Honestly they are just such amazing display items and I'm pretty sure they'll cover every wall in my house before my girls graduate.
Sorry, husband.
Stay connected, friends!