When the first image you capture is Dad announcing he's giving you his 'best angle', you just know...this is going to be AWESOME.

They understood the assignment.
Seriously. I couldn't stop. Enjoy Steve and Maria dying laughing for 20 photos in a row, haha!
I could tell you a million things we died laughing about during this session, but I'm pretty sure you'll get the gist from all of these faces...
I love their pure awesomeness so much that I had to get a little display for the studio because it makes me smile every single time I walk in to work.

The energy this family just RADIATES...the love and genuine laughs they share...holy moly, guys. I seriously had the most amazing time at this session and I will continue to gush over these moments like this family is my own.
Because you're going to adopt me, Maria. I am now your child.
Stay connected, friends.
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